The Port of Tacoma Commission yesterday (18 July) voted unanimously to phase out greenhouse gas (GHGT) emissions under the Port’s direct control by 2040 – bringing the date forward a…
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New MMMCZCS report highlights chemical ports’ key role in green fuel transition
A new report published today (7 February) by the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping highlights that chemical ports are better positioned to lead the transition to alternative… Create your free...
Biofuel suppliers welcome IMO plans to raise blend carriage limit for bunker ships to B30
Biofuel producers Neste, FincoEnergies and Moeve have reacted positively to plans, progressed at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) last week, to allow conventional bunker ships to carry biofuel blends...
Nine countries to receive support under IMO’s GreenVoyage2050 decarbonisation project
GreenVoyage2050, a technical cooperation programme aimed at assisting developing countries in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from maritime transportation, has revealed the nine ‘partnering countries’ that will...