Speaking about the renewable energy landscape for shipping at an industry gathering in Japan, Koichi Muto, ABS Japan National Committee Chairman, urged maritime stakeholders to take a long term view, as: ‘From now on, we must think about creating a truly sustainable energy society for eternity.’
In his presentation to the annual ABS Japan National Committee Meeting, Muto emphasised that the energy transition can not be delayed.
‘We must think about what renewable energy will look like and what will happen to the power of ships,’ urged Muto. ‘There are many possibilities for renewable energy. Whatever the cause of global warming, fossil fuels will eventually run out, so we will work to develop new energy sources as soon as possible.’
Also speaking at the event, ABS President and COO John McDonald stressed that decarbonisation will require a joint effort.
‘Collaboration is key to keeping our industry in the forefront of the energy transition,’ said McDonald, ‘and our committee includes the diverse expertise of many knowledgeable stakeholders, which provides powerful insight to do just that.’
Image: ABS