The Port of Rotterdam has reported that the 25 partners in the Rotterdam-Singapore Green & Digital Shipping Corridor came together last week to discuss the project and they see potential…
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New MMMCZCS report highlights chemical ports’ key role in green fuel transition
A new report published today (7 February) by the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping highlights that chemical ports are better positioned to lead the transition to alternative… Create your free...
Port of Trelleborg receives co-financing from EU for onshore power project
The Port of Trelleborg has announced it has been granted co-financing for the installation of onshore power supply in ferry berths 10 and 11.
Biofuel suppliers welcome IMO plans to raise blend carriage limit for bunker ships to B30
Biofuel producers Neste, FincoEnergies and Moeve have reacted positively to plans, progressed at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) last week, to allow conventional bunker ships to carry biofuel blends...