Moeve joins FMC, makes 5% zero-emission fuels by 2030 pledge

Spanish energy company Moeve has announced its membership of the First Movers Coalition (FMC).

The move was finalised on the first day of day of the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos this week.

As previously reported by, the FMC is a global initiative launched by the World Economic Forum and former U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry. It focuses on heavy-emitting sectors such as aviation, shipping, trucking, and steel, where breakthrough technologies like green gases and fuels are essential for decarbonisation.

As part of its membership, Moeve, has signed a commitment in the shipping-sector, pledging that by 2030, at least 5% of its deep-sea shipping fleet will be powered by zero-emission fuels.

According to Moeve (formerly Cepsa), it is one of the first companies in its sector globally, and the first in its sector in Spain, to join the Coalition.

‘Joining the First Movers Coalition is further recognition of our irrevocable commitment to rapidly transform into a leading provider of green molecules this decade and deliver the critical energy solutions needed to decarbonise heavy-emitting sectors,’ said Maarten Wetselaar, CEO of Moeve.

‘The First Movers Coalition is emblematic of the global collaboration needed to reach a net zero future and we are delighted to join this important initiative to accelerate the energy transition worldwide.’

Børge Brende, President and CEO of the World Economic Forum, added: ‘Moeve makes a strong addition to FMC as its 102nd member and third member company in Spain.

‘Along with its commitment in the shipping sector that will serve to strengthen FMC’s demand signal for zero-emission shipping solutions, Moeve brings significant knowledge and experience from its leadership in the energy transition and in scaling the emerging solutions like green hydrogen and sustainable fuels that will be critical to FMC’s mission to decarbonise the heavy-emitting industrial sectors.’

Image: Moeve

Rhys Berry